From the vast field of cosmic ray related research my
main interest is in the study of Galactic propagation
and on modelling cosmic ray sources. The latter of
these topics is discussed here,
while their propagation is discussed here.
The study of cosmic ray propagation or cosmic ray
transport concerns the motion of the energetic
particles in interstellar space, between their
acceleration in the cosmic ray sources and their
arrival at Earth.
This motion can be described on different levels of
complexity. The most general description considers the
motion of the individual particles. After such a
cosmic ray particle leaves some cosmic ray source with
high energy it propagates through interstellar space,
where it interacts with the interstellar medium
(ISM). This interaction determines the motion in space
and the energy loss of such a particle.
The relevant energy loss processes of a cosmic ray
electron include synchrotron, inverse compton and
bremsstrahlung losses. Cosmic ray nucleons suffer much
weaker energy losses and are mainly affected by
Coulomb and ionisation losses.
The motion of a cosmic ray particle in space is mostly
determined by its interaction with the interstellar
magnetic field. Being chared particles, cosmic rays
gyrate about magnetic field lines. Therefore, they are
also affected by convective motions of the plasma in
the ISM. More importantly cosmic rays frequently
scatter off irregularities in the interstellar
magnetic field.
This shows that the motion of a cosmic ray particle in
the ISM is a random motion requiring a very large
number of such particles in a corresponding
model. Consequently, mainy studies, including ours,
rather use a statistical description of the cosmic ray
transport process, where it was found that on average
their spatial can be described by a diffusion
process. The resulting transport equation for a
distribution function of cosmic rays reads:
My personal interst is in the solution of this
transport equation with numerical means. While a
analytical solution of this equation is also possible
with sufficiently simplified transport parameters,
only a numerical solution allows to take the
complexity of the interstellar medium into
account. Also most numerical models particularly for
Galactic cosmic ray transport apply a variety of
simplifications like the assumption of axial
symmetry. Therefore, our current studies investigate
the effect of a more realistic description of the
cosmic ray transport parameters on the cosmic ray
transport. Our corresponding simulations apply the
code to solve the cosmic ray tranport equation.